Since 1991, Crimson professionals have delivered technical assistance & training on 44 international development projects in 35 countries across five continents
Key Areas of Expertise
- Finance/Banking/Microfinance (debt financing, working capital, trade finance, leasing, factoring, regulation and supervision, credit policy and risk scoring, loan workouts, private equity, venture capital)
- SME Development (including Business Development Services (BDS), Associations)
- Competitiveness (value chain and cluster development, quality improvement, market-driven product development and exporting, financial and operational restructuring)
- Sector-Specific Experience: manufacturing, agribusiness, electronics and IT, research and technology, commercialization, utilities, textiles, tourism, finance, construction, logistics and services
- Foreign Direct Investment and Trade/Export Development
- Privatization (industry, energy, ICT/telecom, transport, water, agribusiness)
- Enabling Environments – Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Development
- Local Capacity Building and Training (including Business Service Providers (BSPs))
- Anti-Corruption, Corporate Governance, and Legal Reform
Regions of Experience
- Central and Southeast Europe
- The former Soviet Union, including Central Asia
- Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Asia
Summary Highlights
- Secured over 7 billion USD of debt, equity, and foreign investment for enterprises
- Improved competitiveness and profitability of over 500 companies (including MSMEs) and 10 banks
- Trained over 5,000 local government officials, bankers, enterprise managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, and association members in 40 key business and technical subject areas
- Created regional and international trade linkages with 450 companies from over 30 countries, resulting in more than $100 million in export transactions
- Improved business, legal, regulatory, and policy environment for emerging markets in several countries
- Privatized over 200 state-owned enterprises into profitable, well-managed companies
- Development of numerous local, sustainable consulting firms, NGOs and associations